Picture/Mirror hanging
Recent paintings and mirrors hanging jobs. If you like fine arts then make sure you visit @castlefineart_reading for some amazing looking pieces. First and second pic on this post are from their gallery. 👌🎨 – #handyman #rdguk #berkshire...
Picture/Mirror hanging
Amazing looking mirror frame 👌 hanged this for a lovely couple in Maidenhead. Amazing looking old property with extremely crumbly walls so they were worried how that’s going to hold this heavy mirror
Picture/Mirror hanging
What a beautiful mirror. It’s small things like this that make your house feel like a home On this occasion we hanged a few mirrors, headboard and some pictures for a lovely couple We hang pictures, clocks, mirrors, canvases and more. Feel free to get in touch...
Picture/Mirror hanging
Mirror and picture hanging in Shinfield Every new build property needs a few small finishing touches to make it more homely. As you know Shinfield area is a major building site and we are the most recommended handymen on residents WhatsApp groups. Apart from hanging...
Picture/Mirror hanging
Some of the mirrors we hanged last week. The top mirror came from Qatar and it follows the family wherever they go on holiday- #truestory The white mirror was originally hanged horizontally and as our handyman was leaving the customer changed her mind and wanted it...
Picture/Mirror hanging
Although it doesn’t look like it this mirror weighs a ton. Our handyman couldn’t lift it into place on its own and had to ask the customer to give him a hand. Hanged with heavy-duty wall anchors onto a plasterboard wall